NAS Maritime Archaeology Course: Knots, Bends & Hitches 2nd-3rd July 2016 @NautArchSoc
Venue: Fort Cumberland, Portsmouth
Tutors: Ken Yalden and others from the International Guild of Knot Tyers
Course Aims and Objectives:
Participants will be able to transfer the theory of knot tying to ‘hands on skills’, ranging from basic knot tying, to an elevated level of applied practical rope work. Which will then pass muster of the most ‘jaundiced’ of boatswains.
During the course, participants will gain the ability to identify knots, bends and hitches, with the aim of making a ‘lizard bullseye’ over the course of a weekend. Incorporating making a ‘soft eye’, seizing’s, round and flat, apply a serving, plus tie a sailmakers whipping.
By the end of the weekend participants will understand the difference between hand tight and hauled tight. They will also learn, while in a workshop scenario, to understand the findings of rope remains discovered in wet site archaeology and to use correct knot terminology.
Learning Outcomes:
The course attendees will take from the weekend a completed lizard bullseye. As well as the ability to name correctly the various components of said article. They will understand the tools used along with how to use them correctly. Plus the ability to define the name and use of bends and hitches.
Components learnt will include:
- Introduction to knots, bends and hitches, and the tools used for knot craft.
- Identify component parts of a lizard bulls eye,
- Discover methods of grasping cordage and wire while it is worked.
- Understanding bullseyes, dead eyes and tackles.
- modern tools and their uses
- hauling, heaving and serving
NAS Credit Allocation:
10 credits will be awarded to NAS members unter the module Research
National Occupational Standards for Archaeology Units:
Unit code CU2095: Research and analyse information to achieve objectives in archaeological operations
CIfA Endorsement:
This course has been endorsed by the Charted Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) to count towards the required hours of continual professional development.
Please note Timetable is provisional and may be subject to change
Saturday 2nd
09.00 Arrive: Coffee, introductions, receive hand-outs
09.30 Lecture: Brief introduction to IGKT, familiarise with teaching rigs,
show and talk through a lizard bullseye:- specifically naming its parts.
10.00 Practical :- Whippings various.
10.35 Tender-foot knots and the six knot challenge
10.45 Lecture: Deadeyes and bulls-eyes
11.05 Practical: Tuck an eye spice
11.30 Lecture: Riggers Blocks- Spanish Windlass
11.45 Practical: Rolling Hitch & Clove Hitch.
12:00 Project: Make a soft eye in lizard
12.30 Lunch – Opportunity to learn TurksHead and Monkey’s Fist- Test Runs S.K.C
13.30 Practical: Seizing, flat round and racking
14.15 Lecture: Blocks,Tackles , Luffs and Jiggers
15.00 Break
15.15 Practical: Wall Knot and Crown Knot
16.00 Lecture: Tools of the trade.
16.30 End of day
Sunday 3rd
09.00 Recap: Naming of parts
09.15 Project: Seize in bullseye of lizard (Pass Round Seizing)
10.00 Demo: Modern tools
10.30 Project: Pass Flat seizing on to lizard
11.00 Project: Apply sailmakers whipping to lizard
12.30 Lunch
13.00 Project: service the lizard.
13.45 Lecture: Sheet Bend & Weavers Knot
14.00 Six Knot Challenge and time to complete the project if required
16.00 Discussion
16.30 Course end
For further information regarding costs and contact details please visit The Nautical Archaeology Society – Knots, Bends and Hitches
PDF format of the two day course
NAS Maritime Archaeology Course: Knots, Bends & Hitches 2nd-3rd July 2016 @NautArchSoc — No Comments
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