Bell Rope Kit Make Your Own
How to Make a Bell Rope
If ever you have wanted to make a bell rope and felt a bit daunted by the task, fear not, here is the solution. Mikko Snellman has put together a complete kit to make a bell rope from scratch. If you watch the video below you will see exactly what you are getting and what you will achieve achieve.
It has been sometime since I made this short post and I can now confirm that a number of people have purchased the Bell Rope Making Kit from Mikko. I have seen some of the results on Facebook and not only do they look good, but people are very happy with the bell rope kit they received.
Making a Bell Rope Kit
In this bell rope making kit, you will get; superb quality cordage to make the body of the bell rope, finer cordage to decorate the eye of the bell rope, a tapered wooden core (form or Puddening) to give your lovely bell rope a taper. Also included in the kit is a lovely hand made wooden fid.
To get a DIY Bell Rope Kit, just visit his website here: do not worry about it not being in English, just contact him via his email at the bottom of the page.
I have also noticed since originally writing this post that Mikko also has other kits on his site for sale.
So click on the video below to watch how you will be making a bell rope:
Knotting Book Recommendations
| Ashley Book of Knot (ABoK) This really is the bible of all knots, consisting of over 600 pages and over 3000 diagrams Rating: | ||
| Knot Craft and Rope Mats: 60 Ropework Projects Including 20 Mat Designs by Des Pawson Rating: | ||
| The Marlinspike Sailor by Harvey Garret Smith If you are starting to build a collection of knotting books, then this is a great one to have in your library. Rating: | ||
| A Practical Guide to Tying Knots by Geoffrey Budworth This book contains 75 bends, hitches, knots, bindings, loops, mats, plaits, rings and slings. Rating: |
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