Ampersand Bowline
How to Tie the Ampersand Bowline
The Ampersand Bowline is a fairly new kid on the block. I have read that this version of the Bowline was discovered by Alan Lee on 01 April 2013 and independently by Xarax on 25 April 2014. Alan Lee has done some extensive testing on the Ampersand Bowline and they can be found here on his YouTube Channel – Alan Lee Knots.
Ampersand Bowline Discussion
There has been a lot of discussion about the Ampersand Bowline on the International Guild of Knot Tyers forum. If you are interested in more information about the Ampersand Bowline, then click on Ampersand Bowline Security.
Ampersand Bowline
Yosemite Bowline or Yosemite Tie Off
Basically the Ampersand Bowline is Similar to the Yosemite Bowline (Image Above), the bowline is tied as normal, then the working end is worked around and tuck under the initial knot as shown in the video below.
How to Tie the Ampersand Bowline Video
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