Anglers Loop or Perfection Loop – Quick Release Version
How to Tie the Angler’s Loop
The Angler’s Loop also known as the Perfection Loop, is an extremely easy loop knot to tie. The Anglers Loop can also be slipped, thereby making it a very quick loop knot to untie.
According to Geoffrey Budworth, from The Knot Book. He says that the Angler’s Loop may sound as though it is a knot used solely for fishing, but this is an exceptional loop knot that anyone may find useful. It also states that the Perfection Loop also holds well if tied in bungee cord, whereas other knots may wriggle free. I would suggest though if you plan on taking up bungee jumping, then maybe take advice from a site that is dedicated to knots used for that purpose.
The Angler’s Loop also works well with slippery synthetic ropes. So with a name like Perfection Loop, maybe this is one knot to learn and add to your repertoire of knots.
The Angler’s Loop does have a bit of a reputation for jamming, if the knot is heavily loaded. Perhaps with the slipped version, this makes it easier to untie? Please tell me in the comments below how you dealt with this.
How to Tie the Angler’s Loop Video
In this video you will just get the knot and no other chit chat with it. If you want more information, then click on the next video that will also include how to make a Slipped Version of the Angler’s Loop.
How to Tie the Perfection Loop Video
In this more friendly chit chat video, not only will you learn how to tie the Perfection Loop, but also how to tie the slipped version.
What is the Angler's Loop Used For?
The Angler’s Loop, also known as the Perfection Loop, is used if you want to put a fixed loop in the end of fine line, or a in the end of a slippery line.
Ashley Book of Knot (ABoK) This really is the bible of all knots, consisting of over 600 pages and over 3000 diagrams Rating: | |||
Knot Craft and Rope Mats: 60 Ropework Projects Including 20 Mat Designs by Des Pawson Rating: | |||
The Marlinspike Sailor by Harvey Garret Smith If you are starting to build a collection of knotting books, then this is a great one to have in your library. Rating: | |||
A Practical Guide to Tying Knots by Geoffrey Budworth This book contains 75 bends, hitches, knots, bindings, loops, mats, plaits, rings and slings. Rating: |
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