Crabber’s Knot
How to Tie the Crabber’s Knot or Crossed Running Knot
The Crabber’s Knot also known as the Crossed Running Knot, is relatively easy to tie. Once you have created your first loop, you then lock that loop in place by continuously weaving under and over to create another loop over the top. When you watch the video on how to tie the Crabber’s Knot below, it will all become clearer.
What is the Crabber's Knot Used for?
The unusual thing about the Crabber’s Knot also known as the Crossed Running Knot, is that when you first tie it, it is a noose knot. In other words the size of the loop at the end of the line is easily adjusted. However, a sharp pull on the working end and the opposite part of the loop, will cause the knot to bind giving you a fixed loop knot. So if you are in a scenario where you are not sure what size loop you need, then tie the Crabber’s knot as a noose, after which when you know the desired size of the loop required, give it a quick tug to create your correct sized fixed loop knot.
Crabber’s Knot A Very Underrated Knot
I think that the Crabber’s Knot is very underrated. Since producing the video, a number of people have said that they would used this knot more often. There are often times when you do need a noose, then be able to lock the noose to create a fixed loop. Well, maybe the Crabber’s Knot is what you are looking for. Not only that, once you have tied it a couple of times, that knot is then fixed in your memory.
How to Tie the Crabber’s Knot or Crossed Running Knot Video
In this less chat video, you will learn how to tie the Crabber’s Knot. I have also added a slow motion section on how to tie the knot towards the and of the video.
Crabber’s Knot Video Tutorial
If you prefer your video in a vertical format, then here is the Crabber’s Knot Video Tutorial in vertical format:
Crabber’s Knot Ashley’s Book of Knots
According to Ashley’s Book of Knots “The Crabber’s Eye Knot, also called the Crossed Running Knot, is similar in form to the Bowline, but the pull is different and it is more apt to distort. Its salient feature is that the standing part may be hauled on and the knot slid to a desired position. When the desired position is reached the knot may be ‘locked” by hauling stoutly on the end.”
Crabber’s Knot Experience
If you have used the Crabber’s Knot, then please to let me know what your experience was with using this knot. I would love to hear the advantages and disadvantages of using this knot. Put your thoughts in the comments below.
Crabber’s Knot for Bushcraft
Since doing this video, I have had a few comments from bushcrafters, saying that they would now incorporate this knot as part of their bushcraft knotting arsenal. So it looks like the Crabber’s Knot is turning out to be a good all rounder!
| Ashley Book of Knot (ABoK) This really is the bible of all knots, consisting of over 600 pages and over 3000 diagrams Rating: | ||
| Knot Craft and Rope Mats: 60 Ropework Projects Including 20 Mat Designs by Des Pawson Rating: | ||
| The Marlinspike Sailor by Harvey Garret Smith If you are starting to build a collection of knotting books, then this is a great one to have in your library. Rating: | ||
| A Practical Guide to Tying Knots by Geoffrey Budworth This book contains 75 bends, hitches, knots, bindings, loops, mats, plaits, rings and slings. Rating: |
Having watched many of your videos (but not having learned all that much, owing to previous knowledge), one thing has driven me crazy, or almost, especially given the fact that you are at least aware of the IGKT. You continually refer to the standing “PART” as the standing “END”! Why can’t you get it right?
Now that you have shown me the error of my ways, I can make changes going ahead. Thanks for taking the time to view and also make a comment, very much appreciated.
>>”part” instead of “standing end” … why can’t you get it *right*?
“Right” by whose judgement? For me, it is “SPart”, which is readily seend to originate with the term objected to above, though spelled in this unusual form so as to point to a different/fuller sense : i.e., that of the part of a *completed* knot –a part bearing full tension into the knot (there is one SPart for eye knots, two for ends joints, one for a hitch –in the basic/common cases of such knots).
Btw, in tying knots, one is more likely dealing with a standing *part* of a rope and not its *end* (as in “tail end” –please, NOT “bitter end”!); in contrast to the reeving often done with the working END –point first!
So, here’s a big “STET” to the above editing comment.
Pingback:How to Tie the Capstan Knot
Now, to the supposed purpose/use of this “Crabber’s Eye Knot”, it’s something that has been a focus of my attention of late. The name seems to originate with Lancelot Llewellyn HasLOPE’s 1891/2 Work (periodical) article on knots; this series was captured mostly verbatim into Paul Nooncree HasLUCK’s 1904/5… book Knots & Splices (IIRC title). And there is some mysterious other “Haslope” source echoing the LLHaslope articles fairly well, which I surmise if by his son, Pearce L. H. in 1901 –as noted (just though as “H.”) in HNG Bushby’s amazing Notes on Knots manuscript.
The knot is given in the French Traite’ de Charpenterie (sp?) which chapter on knots was captured and put into English under the pseudonym “Tom Bowling”.
The knot there is a noose –no hint of tricks to fix an eye in it. And, IMO, if I want some adjustable eye, I’d use a rolling hitch of tail to SPart, not hope for an adequately stable hard-bent SPart (which looks to be rather unkind to the rope if sharp; otherwise, of dubious holding if not).
Ditto for the “Capstan knot”. CLDay I think is one who suggests that this knot might even be capsized into Ashley’s #1034 eye knot (!) –something that will happen only with considerable coaxing & preparation, not naturally for a knot dressed & set as shown. I’ve seen trawler mooring lines with eye knots having their SPart in the gradual helical form given for the Capstan Knot, so I can imagine that that is just what is intended (though in the case of those trawler lines, there is some capsizing/distorting going on, as well –i.p., Bowlines capsizing nearly into what could be called a “pile-hitch noose” !).
.:. Knotting has been recorded pretty badly –sometimes appallingly so. For the most part, *general-knots* book authors copy prior ones. Actual knots users don’t get much play in the literature.