Seizing a Rope
The Making of a Rope Shackle or Soft Shackle
How to Seize Rope
In the previous video I demonstrated how I created the knot on the end of a Rope Shackle, Soft Shackle or Jib Shackle In this video I will demonstrate how I used Seizing to make the eye of my Soft Shackle. I also used some seizing at the top of the Soft Shackle to add a little more decoration to the finished item.
You will note that, the shackle when it is closed i.e. the button knot has been passed through the eye that was created by the seizing around the rope.
What is Seizing on a Rope For?
The purpose of seizing is to bring two parts of a rope together. In the case of this Rope Soft Shackle, it brings the two ropes together to form a loop at the end of the shackle.
How to Start Seizing
Normally prior to actual seizing, it is good practice to form and fine in the end of your seizing line. However, if this is not practical seizing can be started by using a Clove Hitch or a Timber Hitch as the starting knot. The main reason for using and eye splice, clove hitch or timber hitch, is that these knots form a low profile. In other words, you do not start your work with the chunky knot. As you will see in the video, once you have tied one of the above knots, the actual process of wrapping the cord around the two ropes can then begin.
How to Finishing off Seizing
In the video you will clearly see how I finish after seizing.One thing that I forgot to mention was, that if you want additional security on the finishing knot, it can be tucked again, or a Finishing Solution applied, which will make the knot/seizing even more secure.
Seizing to Create an Eye in a Block and Tackle
You will see from this photo how seizing is used to create the eye at the top of a block and tackle. Thereby, a loop is created so that the block and tackle can be suspended from a hook.
How to Seize a Rope Video
What Seizing Twine do I Use?
My all time favourite twine that I use is black twisted tarred line. One of that main reasons that I like black tarred line is, that not many people use it and it also stands out in a crowd. Also when adding whipping to the end of a rope, it makes a rope stand out more!
When Purchasing, double check line size to ensure that you are getting the correct size you want to work with. |
If you like a little coloured Twine
Colour Whipping Twine:
Whipping Twine is often used for preventing the ends of ropes from fraying. I have also used some for net making |
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